- Delivery time
In most case the delivery time is within one hour. Express processing is possible.
- Official vignette for Czech Republic
The vignette will be delivered by Sfdi, the Czech Republic road authority.
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Vignette Czech Republic
The digital electronic vignette is required for motor vehicles with a weight below 3500 kilos. Motorcyclists and trailers are exempt from the vignette requirement. Electric and hybrid cars may be eligible for an exemption from the vignette from 2021. Vehicles with a total weight of more than 3500 kilos, must pay toll charges per kilometre. The toll charges are invoiced by means of a digital box and are based on the distance driven. You can buy the vignette for various validity periods. You can simply pay for the vignette online with iDeal, PayPal or a credit card.
An overview of the most important points:
1. The vignette is required for all the motorways and expressways in the Czech Republic.
2. The vignette is required for all motor vehicle with a weight below 3500 kilos.
3. Motorcycles and trailers are exempt from the vignette requirement.
4. Electric and hybrid cars may be eligible for an exemption from the vignette.
5. The sticker vignette has been abolished.
6. The digital vignette is valid immediately.
7. The check is carried out by means of video surveillance.
8. For vehicles over 3500 kilos, toll charges must be paid via the Myto box.
9. You can order the vignette for 10 days, 30 days or one year.
Price for the digital vignette for the Czech Republic
The price is based on the validity period of the vignette and the type of vehicle (electric or hybrid) you drive.
Product | Fees | Service fee | Total price |
1 day vignette Czech Republic Fees: €7.90 Service fee: €7.05 Total price: €14.95 | €7.90 | €7.05 | €14.95 |
10 day vignette Czech Republic Fees: €10.66 Service fee: €8.29 Total price: €18.95 | €10.66 | €8.29 | €18.95 |
30 day vignette Czech Republic Fees: €16.97 Service fee: €9.98 Total price: €26.95 | €16.97 | €9.98 | €26.95 |
Yearly digital vignet for Czech Republic Fees: €90.80 Service fee: €14.15 Total price: €104.95 | €90.80 | €14.15 | €104.95 |
Rapid processing (within 30 minutes) Fees: €0.00 Service fee: €7.95 Total price: €7.95 | €0.00 | €7.95 | €7.95 |
Validity vignette Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has three validity periods for the digital vignettes from which you can choose.
- The 10-day vignette:
it is valid for 10 days. You can select the starting date yourself. - The 30-day vignette:
it is valid for 30 days from the moment of the starting date you have entered. - The annual vignette:
it is valid from 1 January to the 31 January of the next year. So, it is valid for a maximum of 13 months.
Where are the Czech toll roads located?
You will require a vignette for most Czech motorways “D” (Dálnice) and expressways “R” (Rychlostní silnice). This toll requirement also applies to national and regional roads. The toll roads in the republic are marked by road signs with the symbol of a motorway. Here you will need an e-vignette (dálnični známky).
Map with toll roads in the Czech Republic
On the map below you have a clear overview where the toll roads are located in the Czech Republic.
The toll-free roads and toll-free street sections
Some sections of the Czech motorways and expressways are exempt from toll charges. You can recognise toll-free roads by the traffic signs with the text ‘Bez Poplatku’, which means ‘no toll charges’.
- D0 The Prague city ring road is partially toll-free
- D1 Prague-Brno at exit 182-210
- D1 Brno-Ostrava at exit 354 near the Polish border
- D3 Veselí nad Lužnicí Nord – Bošilec at exit 104-109
- D5 Pilsen-Prague at exit 89-67
- D6 Cheb-Karlovy at exit 162-131
- D7 Chomutov-Louny at exit 18-78
- D11 Sedlice-Kukleny at exit 84-90
- D35 Mohelnoice-Olomouc at exit 261-276
- D46 Hnĕvotin-Olomouc, Slavonin at exit 37-39
- D48 Frýdek-Místek-Dobrá at exit 47-54
- D52 Pohořelice at exit 23-26
- D55 Otrokovice at exit 30-32
Are you travelling towards Prague?
In 2023 toll charges must be paid for all roads to Prague. You cannot reach Prague without having a valid vignette.
Vignette requirement and types of vehicles
In the Czech Republic, vehicles with a maximum gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons require an electronic vignette to use the motorways in the Czech Republic.
Trailers and motorcycles
Motor vehicles with less than four tires, such as motorcycles and trikes do not require a Czech vignette. Trailers also do not require a vignette for the Czech Republic.
Exempt from paying toll charges
The following vehicles are exempt from paying toll charges and therefore do not require a valid vignette.
- Electrical vehicles with emissions less than CO2 (>50 g/km)
- Hydrogen vehicles
- Hybrid vehicles with emissions less than CO2 (>50 g/km)
- Historic vehicles with a special ID-card
You can check whether your car qualifies for an exemption from the vignette requirement.
Myto Box
Vehicles with a total weight of more than 3500 kilos, must pay toll charges per kilometre. The toll charges are invoiced by means of a digital box ( MYTO Box) and are based on the distance driven.
How does the digital vignette for the Czech Republic work?
From the introduction of toll charges and then the e-vignette, the registration number of your car is registered in the database of the Czech Road Authority 'Edalnice'. As soon as you cross the Czech border, your registration number will be checked through video surveillance and your number plate will be compared with the database.
Sales points
You can buy the official e-vignette for the Czech Republic at i-vignette.com. You can also buy the vignette at the Czech Road Authority ‘Edalnice' or at the border crossing, petrol stations or at a Czech post office.
How does our order process work?
- Select the category of your vehicle and type of vignette.
- Select the validity period of your e-vignette.
- Enter your registration number and a valid email address.
- Pay securely with iDeal, PayPal, bank transfer or credit car.
- After that we will process and submit your e-vignette application. After receipt of the digital vignette, you can travel immediately.
Frequently asked questions
Driving in the Czech Republic without a vignette
If you do not have a valid e-vignette and you are caught, you can expect a fine of maximum €750. You must also buy a new e-vignette and if you do not pay immediately, additional costs will be charged. Thanks to international agreements, these fines are effectively collected!
Travelling to other countries?
The Czech Republic borders 4 European countries. A number of these countries also use an official e-vignette to finance the costs of the road network. This concerns the following countries:
NJ Vignette B.V. is an intermediary and applies for the vignette on your behalf and in your name. NJ Vignette B.V. charges a commission for this.
An agreement is concluded between you and the official authority of the relevant country that issues the vignette, with regard to the vignette requirement.
All prices on our website are including vat.